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How do I convince my parents to let me study philosophy? I'm a junior in college and they want me to change my major, but that would set me back a semester. Help!

If your parents will listen, do some research and informally persuade them on the value of philosophy. Such comments are best kept short and informal. Of course, how you do this depends on what type of relationship you have with your parents. A google search on "why study philosophy" may turn up some ok results. Usually the answers are canned, and try to persuade you that philosophy is good for critical thinking, while you should question such "answers"! It may or may not be good advice. Do you need to convince them? Do they need to *let you* do anything? How old are you? Become independent. Use your philosophical skills. Ask them why they want you to be certain way? Are they happy with what they are? Do they know people are different and like different things? Do they want you to make the same mistakes that they did? Don't they respect you the least, and respect Your wishes? Don't they know it is Your Life? What's the major they want you to study? How do I convince my parents to let me study philosophy? I'm a junior in college and they want me to change my major, but that would set me back a semester. Help!

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