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was does an ignorant idea look like

ignorance denies ideas that is the very nature of it's definition. Ignorant idea: the Bible can only be interpreted literally vs Knowledge idea: the Bible can be interpreted symbolically, metaphorically, metaphysically. A mouse is only a mouse vs A mouse named Mickey Mouse can talk and walk. Ignorant idea: only a male can be president of the United States vs Knowledge idea: a female can be president of the United States.An ignorant idea = promoting the false idea that only unmarried males can be clergy vs A good idea = promoting the knowledge idea that married males and unmarried females can be clergy (bishops, etc.). An ignorant idea = The earth is flat. - the non-profit Flat Earth Society vs a good idea = The earth is round. - NASA it is an idea that ignores other ideas. it is an idea that is being ignored. since by commenting, your idea didn't get ignored, it is an example of non-ignorant idea.was does an ignorant idea look like

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