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War and Peace

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Is War ethical?

War is mankind attempting to deal punishment to others based on point of view.
Its petty and pointless.
Judgement to mankind will arrive and we will all perish. Depends on one's own ethical standpoint. If I choose to believe that any and all violence is absolutely unacceptable then I will view any and all war unethical. Whereas if I were to believe that human life must always be conserved / protected, then I would surely believe that a war which kills one person to save thousands would be an ethical war to fight.
Is morality relative?
Well, self-defense of a country is not such a clear concept. If we consider the preservation of life to be highest priority of living organisms, then surrender may be more appropriate choice for a country as it will save lives of its constituents - even if they become slaves they will still be alive. Of course a country should defend itself - it is the basic instinct of all living organisms, and therefore entities (like countries) which are made of organisms!

The right question to ask is this: is it ever O.K. for one country to declare war on another country? Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. What is ethics? First I state my opinion on the topic regarding war. My opinion is that war is okay, but there are times when it is necessary and times when it is not. For instance, if a country were to declare war against your country, you should not stand around but simply fight back for the purpose of keeping your country safe. Not just fighting for the sake of fighting. War is important in those kind of matters. I also feel that war is to be addressed with rules, unnecessary killing is for the wrong reasonI am doing an assignment in my ethics class and I had to choose a topic to discuss on a forum site to get feed back on how other people feel about this topic. Any opinion is allowed. Thank you.Is War ethical?
Humans have fought wars for thousands of years. Is it part of a human nature to wage wars and kill other humans, or is it some kind of pathology?

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