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Earth Sciences

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Global warming issue is confusing! Today human factor seems to be considerable, but people have enjoyed wormer times in the past. Is global warming really such a grave danger?

You don't enjoy the heatwave if you've seen one. Also, no matter what's the reason, we know the temperature is rising. Human don't like to think about how weak they are, human would like to believe that they are special and powerful and still have a shot. If global warming is caused mainly by human factor that is still controllable by human, otherwise all human can do is to pray. Human don't like that. as baz luhrmann said..wear sunscreen i dont know if i do this good its my first comment here and i did the tutorail,
but what i think about this is that the earth is just going of how it was i have seen some scientific views to but all are different the one say no the earth will be colder, the other say the earth will warm up and another say what are you all talkin about it will just stay the same. One difference between back then and now is that we can nolonger all move to the one area that we happen to like. What if they (we) are right? How are You going to save the Earth after you realise that you cannot breath this Air, drink this Water any more.
The world has to realise that this has little to do with Economics and that we need a new barometer for our wellbeing, Environomics.

We cannot eat money, we cannot eat gold, we cannot live with ever increasing GDP. We need to Live with the Earth and grow beyond just Economics and start realising the virtues of Environomics.[1] A new technique for deriving hurricane climatologies from global data, applied to climate models, indicates that global warming should reduce the global frequency of hurricanes, though their intensity may increase in some locations. [2] The type, frequency and intensity of extreme events are expected to change even with relatively small Earth’s climate changes. Changes in some types of extreme events have already been observed, for example, increases in the frequency and intensity of heat waves and heavy precipitation events. [3] One of the dangers of global warming is that it is precursor to an ice age. During an ice age, less land is usable for food, which by itself will affect negatively on humans. when i cannot decide which scientist is right, maybe i can think about my own experience? did i notice any consistent changes in weather during my lifetime? It takes hundreds of thousands of years for new species to evolve. However, in last 100 years, more species are becoming extinct every single day, than were before in one year. Many of these are due to global warming, while many other due to hunting and pollution. Less bio-diversity will affect directly and indirectly the quality of life of humans.

On the other hand, depending on where they live, people may either like or dislike consequences of global warming and changing climate.[4][5] Global warming issue is confusing! Today human factor seems to be considerable, but people have enjoyed wormer times in the past. Is global warming really such a grave danger?

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