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Homosexual and Transgender

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From this point forward, I will not think lowly of homosexuals. Their lives demand them to be strong, lest they snap like a twig. Stay strong brothers, and overcome temptation!

Homosexuals face scrutiny from both themselves, and others, (and god, if they believe). Be thankful you aren't tempted with men. Be thankful your parents don't reject you, and send you out wandering into the wilderness, to be consumed by the hedonism and material pleasure. It is our duty as the wise men and women of the world(which if you are at this site you must be) to be all compassionate, all loving, and all protecting, for only then can you help the less fortunate stay on their path.From this point forward, I will not think lowly of homosexuals. Their lives demand them to be strong, lest they snap like a twig. Stay strong brothers, and overcome temptation!

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