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It is hard to be honest in society in which mass-media is filled with dishonesty and deception.

It's really not that difficult to choose to be honest- why all you sheep have to do what everyone else does. I find that society looks for shortcuts when pursuing an ultimate truth. It's much easier to conform to a ''mass-driven'' set of beliefs than it is to formulate ones own. In short there will always be more followers than leaders. People have no idea how much they must be misled if the support of the masses is required. [1] TV is full of fake smiles. News, commercials and advertisements are abundant with mis-information, selective and incomplete information. Politicians tell thing they think their voters will like to hear. Many 'reality' series show people cheating, insulting and deceiving each other. Vain idols, shallow ideals. It is hard to be honest in society in which mass-media is filled with dishonesty and deception. It is much easier to find excuse for our dishonesty in the media which, btw, we don't have to watch.

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