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Health and Health Care

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Can a vegan diet prevent cancer?

cancer is caused by many factors none of which is meat. meat is healthy to eat. without meat the body dies. humans are supposed to eat meat.notice how vegans have less energy than meat eaters. and smaller muscles. they body eats the muscle of vegans unless they have a miracle and get to have muscle due to good works either myself or god is rewarding them for. —jesus christ Meat and diary may be contributors to cancer, but they probably are not only nor main contributors. It can be argued that excessive intake of fried foods (vegan included) is as significant cancer contributor as intake of meat. Yes it can. Reduction in meat intake correlates with the reduction of cancer incidences. This is even more true in U.S. where some animals are being fed with poisons which promote growth (for example arsenic). [1][2] Can a vegan diet prevent cancer?

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