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Sex Sexuality and Sexual Health

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Been in a very long relationship? Conversation, sex...they all lost some of its appeal. The foundation is still there. So, any tips for relighting an old flame ?

Yeah, but once your with somebody a really long while, your not the same people anymore. No matter what else happens, we as 'll change right?

So if the wow factor has left the building due to th as t chage. I don't know.There actually is physics, chemistry, and biology involved. Physics-wise, the forces make it so that your neurons wire in a certain way so that, biology-wise, the neurons can both process and remember sequences (represented as memories) about your past. This redundancy is problemo uno. The chemistry/physics that may reverse this are amnesia (which won't likely happen), and the possible use of pheromones and the like. It is also important that your time spent with the partner does not fall into 'routine' or 'habit' trap. Habits and routines are sometimes certainly a good thing, but for example, don't ask your partner 'how was your day' because you are used to asking that question, but because you are really interested. Even though stories may become similar, the way they are told will probably be different, and reflect changes in partners moods, thoughts, maturity, dreams. Be observant of these. It is important to have your own life, friends, hobbies, activities... Then you will always have something new to talk about with your partner. HELL YES =D I agree with trying new things, you might like it better and NATURE=VARIATION like isn't it obvious by now? Why would all those things even be succesful if no one enjoyed it.. So try new things, talk about it and especially.. I actually read this myself in some research science thing.. Did you know that the more you touch each other the more you are attracted to each other and the less likely it is to then fancy others? So touch, even on the couch or when you sleep (spooning!)Read "The Sex God Method" by Daniel Rosen. There's A LOT of top sex pros saying amazing stuff about this book. I'm reading and am dumbfounded how fucking perfect it is. Try it. For real, do it. You need to explore and experience things before you can know and decide what is the best for you. Then again, if you are already happy, why trying other things you cannot know whether they will make you happier or unhappier. Indeed. The beginning is unique. If you find you -have- to have that initial rush to be happy, then your only real choice is to have serial relationships.
However, the second phase is also unique. It has delights previously impossible, so go find the ones that work for you. People think that they need to start doing some new things, exciting things, etc. That is not true. Partners just need to do the same things they were doing at the beginning, as that is why they started liking each other. The real problem is not that partners become 'boring' by being the same, but that they stop being who they were at the beginning. all relationships have an initial "falling in love" phase, and it naturally dwindles after about 1-1.5 years together. then the couple enters a more mature, more intimate but probably not too "exciting" phase, where they can get back to "normal" yet still be close. Become a catholic priest, and you will be full of desires very quickly.

Another option is to do something illegal with a partner. Forbidden fruit will make life more exciting. If you get arrested, than effect will be the same as if you become that priest. Been in a very long relationship? Conversation, sex...they all lost some of its appeal. The foundation is still there. So, any tips for relighting an old flame ?
Sex is overated. Or is it? Can there be a solid relationship between two adults without sex involved? Can it last even if there is sex, but not in a satisfactory way ?
I am in a similar situation...couples get so comfortable with each other that their original sparks phase out. Try doing new things. Any magic chemical formula that can bring back what you had in the begginings ?

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