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Public Health and Safety

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Universal health care.

Having universal health care reduces stress. Since stress contributes to a range of chronic diseases, simply reducing this cause of stress will be immensely beneficial to a society. [1] Because if someone is ill, physically or psychologically, many people will be affected including family, friends, and co-workers. Also, productivity of a person and all those affected will be diminished, and their contribution to society lessened. Society as a whole will be at loss, not just an unhealthy individual. Maybe we should increase taxes on goods and services that are unhealthy. Revenue from those could be added to universal health care. Effectively, people would pay themselves for their own risky behavior. If people don't care about themselves, and for example eat junk food or smoke, why should we take care of them? Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare. [2]Universal health care.

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