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Human Rights Issues

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Freedom of speech.

The right to say whatever you want, even if it offends someone or hurts their feelings. Allowed as long it is not violent, i.e. hate speech. freedom of speech should be a fundamental right in all countries on this planet under god. — jesus christFreedom of speech is a fundamental right of human being particularly in a civilized country. But in Bangladesh (a small country with huge probability) oppression upon oposition party is very cruel. In this country government is doing everything as they want. They are killing opposition leader and worker whoever telling the truth against their oppression. They have planned to kill opposition leader by the name judgement of war crime. Media is captured by them and forcebly working for them. The right to be an individual. The state owes us physical protection, but leave our emotions out of it. We can’t quantify emotional harm in the same way that we can show a bruise or a cut. The state would effectively be policing our emotions if it denied us the freedom to hate and express hate through speech. There are many things that cause harm and distress, not only free speech. For example, car exhaust gases, traffic noise, and a number of other things that we can not avoid, not even if we go to the wild to live as loners - some damaging effects of modern societies are global. Should a state forbid people to drive cars? What level of harm should be forbidden by law? Or to eat animals as it is offending to vegetarians and some religions? Sometimes a strong criticism can cause emotional distress and even harm. The state does have a role in protecting our health - both physical and emotional. Freedom of speech should not be confused with respectful speech. Offending or not offending someone has to do more with maturity and respecting others than with notion of freedom of speech. I am offended by Fox news. Should it be banned? Maybe I am offended by views of minorities, or by their lack of respect for my opinions which they don't want to hear. People get offended by all kinds of things. Also, members of same minority don't get offended by same things - people are different. How can one know what offends minorities? Or most members of minorities? It seems that offending other people is inevitable when people express opinions to each other. Freedom of expression is not an "absolute, abstract principle", and should not be universally applied. Freedom of speech can be considered a good, but not when it offends minorities or cuts across their rights. The right to subject each others' fundamental beliefs to criticism is the bedrock of an open, democratic society. Freedom of speech.
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