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Human Rights Issues

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Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

Free healthcare is like free money. It should be possible, sure. Sweetiepie did you not get to suckle at your Mama's breast? Good golly I know I chose to have rare painful incurable disease! Gosh'm golly,genetic.I just pray that you don't call yourself Christian,curdle my iron deficient soul.Bless you anyway cuz that's what I'm told to do. what about I care,do it the right way for everything,denied medical care because use herb for nausea,vomiting?grandmother with rare disorder excruciating pain spasms...none of which can be treated because I have tested for a natural herb and for 5 years have been denied pain medicine?and to pour salt into the wound!!!!They fucking stop me from killing myself. Mfgrs.of pharmaceuticals will burn in hell for eternity...I would like to be excused! Although there are people who don't care about their health, most of us do. This does not mean that we actually make 'healthy' choices on a daily basis. Responsible for this is partially ours, but it is also responsibility of the government, for example for allowing unhealthy (and even poisonous) stuff such as tobacco, fat, sugar, and salt to be advertised 24/7 all over the media. Food industry gets subsidies from the state and by lowering prices gets unfair advantage over healthy products. Nothing is free. These medical services are paid for by the government -- or more accurately by tax-payers. It is a job of a government to provide a healthy environment for its people. If it is unable to do so, it should let more competent people do the job. Health care should not be a right. People have the right to "pursue" happiness, not the right to happiness or free medical services. Doctors' job is to heal, so of course they should spend their time healing people. Should they get paid for that time? Of course. Who should pay for that time? That depends on the society you live in. Somewhere patient pays for it, sometimes the whole country -- its tax payers. In countries where you pay for it healthcare is considered a privilege, in countries where everyone pays for it health care is considered a human right. Doctors spend their time on responsible people as well. Why is that time less valuable than time spent on irresponsible people? Should doctors spend their time at all on other people? It is a right for those who care about their health. For those who don't, and live irresponsibly it should not be a right, because health care requires doctors to treat you, spend their time on you. Doctors have a right to spend their time how they want. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?
Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare. [1]

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