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Ideas do not belong to anyone. In the same time, they belong to everyone.

Hmm. I am confused. What does a misapplied idea have to do with ownership of idea. If that is true, then the concept of ownership is meaningless when applied to ideas. Like asking how green your height is, it's an example of misapplied ideas.

That is temporarely true, but 10 years from now someone may have the same ideas and re-invent the same things. It happened a few times in history that 2 scientists living in different parts of the world would discover the same thing in almost the same time. Or something would be discovered, and only later, an ancient book would be found that explains the same thing in a slightly different way. I am not so sure about that. I've seen a video recently about inventor Nikola Tesla. He had many ideas in his mind about wireless transmission of energy, and some fancy defense weapons. However, 100 years later, after hundreds of scientist worked on re-inventing his ideas, things he talked about are still unknown, and it seems they went to grave with him. They were his ideas. Not everyones. Not noones. Just his. Ideas do not belong to anyone. In the same time, they belong to everyone. The claim about ownership being an incentive to create is false. So many things are invented today under public licenses and with no claim to ownership. Nikola Tesla himself wrote that those were not his ideas, but that they come from a cosmic source, which anyone could connect with with the right knowledge. [1] I create a poem because I want to own it. I want people to think of my name when they read it. Maybe sometimes I want them to enjoy it as well. I completely disagree with this statement. Intellectual property is the foundation of the modern age. Without the concept of ownership there would be no incentive to create anything.

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