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Death and Dying

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Fear of death...

I'm not fear of death, because there's not much good stuff in this world. But I cannot kill myself or otherwise my mum will probably collapse, and I will go to hell according to Bible. In what world is there uncertanty that death will happen?Consider the Axiochus.Life and Death is to sides of the same coin. The pain of birth to the pain of death. But the question is, "what drives us to want to live when you know the inevitable is going to happen." Why fear something that is going to happen. If we do not fear Death, then what drives us to fight to live. I already know the answer to that question. Not whether it is good or bad, because good/bad is merely ideals. Maybe they get happier precisely because death is closer. Maybe they achieved enough wisdom not to be afraid of death, and maybe in a way look forward to dying and being dead. [1] People get happier as they get older. Maybe this reason alone is enough for people to want to live forever - to achieve currently unattained levels of happiness. And wisdom! I think that a fear of not achieving these states is appropriate. [2] Process of dying can be painful and therefore bad and deserving of fear. It can also be painless, in which case fear is not appropriate.

Being death on the other hand does not mean being in a bad state. Maybe the goodness of life will not be present but absent, but absence of good doesn't mean presence of bad. Therefore, fear of being dead doesn't seem to be an appropriate response. Are we talking about process of dying, or state of being death?

So, is death a bad thing, likely enough to happen, uncertain if it will come?

If a thing is not bad, fear doesn't make sense.

If a thing is unlikely to happen, fear doesn't make sense. Why would you fear of sharks eating you if you are not near the sea, ocean, or a zoo?

If a thing is certain to happen, fear doesn't make sense - anger does, sadness does, other emotions do, but fear does not. To be afraid of something, that thing has to be bad, to have a large enough chance to happen, and there has to be at least some uncertainty whether it will happen. [3]Fear of death...
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