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Should young ex felons be denied federal financial aid for schools?

Education is a public service and it is a human right of every person to have the right of equal access to public service in his country. [1] In the United States, currently nearly 200,000 would-be college students are ineligible to receive the federal financial aid they need to attend school because they have drug convictions on their records.

It is well known that college students get intoxicated and consume drugs in large numbers. Why would ex felons have disadvantaged treatment just because they were misled to use drugs when they were younger and even less mature than are college students? I don't think they should be denied financial aid which is available to other future students. Education is a good way to help troubled youth get on the right track, and become productive members of society. Their mistakes from a young immature age should not make a whole life harder for them. Should young ex felons be denied federal financial aid for schools?

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