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Is there such a thing as unintentional sin?

Only in the case of breaking the laws of the land. God gave no laws to men, so no men cannot sin against God. The shedding of blood for the remission of sins is an old Hebrew idea from pagan times.Jesus was appalled that people still believed in such childlike things. At least Moses got the Jews to use animals in such sacrificial rituals. All religions have primitive pools of evolved beliefs draining from the swamps of paganism, superstition and taboo. Why did the Jews stopped sacrificing animals to God? Most Christian clergymen will not know why. Many Jews are stumped. The answer is surprising. This question indicates that the definition of sin must be made clear. God's gift of free will makes it possible to do evil which is unintentional error. If we know something is evil and with our free will still choose evil then we commit a sin. By definition a sin is intentionally choosing evil. An error in judgement could unknowingly result in doing something evil but an ignorant choice is not a sin. It is when we intentionally choose evil that it becomes sin. Unintentional sin... hmmm... if you sin and you don't understand that what you are doing is a sin, you are still sinning, but God has mercy on those who don't know him. If you believe and know something is wrong, and then do it, it is sin, but i guess it could be unintentional, Sacrifice meaning asking the Lord for forgiveness.yes! Hebrews 10:10 “…we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”. We are Holy once we believe that Jesus has died for our sins. But there may be a time when you sin after you accept this fact, whether it's intentional/unintentional. In the Bible the Israelites had to sacrifice for their sins even though it was done unintentionally or without realizing they were sinning.
11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit, who lives in you. Powerful isn't it? Be a slave to God's law not to the law of sin. But if there is a time when you sin unintentionally; you must talk to the Lord and ask him for forgiveness. Yes there is. For example: although you are baptized and have accepted God into your heart, it doesn't mean that you won't ever sin again(note: you should try your best not to-faith). Even when you see and think that someone is pretty/handsome, you're already committing sin because you didn't deliberate about it. Just using that as an example, not saying that you judge others by physical appearance. Hope that helpsIs there such a thing as unintentional sin?

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