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Virtual Reality

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What is the future of virtual reality economic and social systems?

One of the potential hazards of the virtual world will be the inevitable organization of society by genetic sequences, personality surveys, and intelligence rubrics. The alternative may look like a subsumption into simple concepts of the dysfunctional consumer. Perhaps this calls for an ethical elite Recursivity promises time-traveling financial systems and organizational norms, while modularity offers concepts of personal coherency which may have differing levels of completeness, and levels of voluntary "chip-in" into perfect versus imperfect kinds of systemic completeness Inevitably, there will be a tiered system between forms of standardized virtual dollars, and the real dollar paradigmatic society A key concept on the pragmatic level will be micro-socialism which allows consumer entertainment populations to pay standardized taxes, to give their minds a break. In the future all kinds of stress will be frowned upon as mentally dysfunctional or "expensive" As a side note, much of the concept of virtual society depends on ennumeration; When certain paradigms are in demand, computers should be capable of simulating them, at a minimum, while simultaneously providing the knowledge that they are partially or totally fabricated. I think that fundamentally, the symbol and metaphor of virtual society is based on recursivity, just like computer code. When there are new metaphors of computer code, there are also new virtual society systems. For example, there are potentials with modularity in relation to cloud computing that have not fully been understoodWhat is the future of virtual reality economic and social systems?

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