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Teaching and Learning

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Perfectible knowledge? Universal encyclopedias? Coherent knowledge systems? End of non-recreational learning?

Admittedly, computer games are most appealing in the "open" framework in which few memory tasks are necessary. But the same effect may be produced with computer-enhanced memory, where suddenly memory seems like an artificial variable, part of a game such as a computer game, or in a more advanced way, enjoyment itself. Obviously many future citizens will think the only viable learning method is by playing a computer game, and past that point the only viable learning method will be by enjoying themselves. I think it's a new era. The basis of a universal encyclopedia may be a system in which history is 1-d, complexity and perfection are 2-d, and coherency (exclusivity), polarity, and analogy (or conjunction) are 3-d. In this sense the hyper-dimensional system is either quantified dimension or singular dimension, which defines fields and inputs respectively. The advent of intuitive systems suggests that information is symbological, and a large component of science is simply interfacingIt may be that knowledge that is most relevant is the easiest to learn. In that case, with the advent of virtual reality suddenly only intuitive systems will start to work. Unintuitive systems will be blamed as being perverse or even wrong.Perfectible knowledge? Universal encyclopedias? Coherent knowledge systems? End of non-recreational learning?

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