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Life is not easy. Neither is education supposed to be. Modern trends to make it so are therefore unnatural and maybe even undesirable.

By ripping out the roots of traditional educational system, we are ripping out our own roots, our nature. Like a rootless plant we will wither. Even if tradition is full of misconceptions, it is madness to think that some modern government body imposing new values wishes us more good than our own parents. Just like animals train their offspring to hunt and hide, to survive, so do humans throughout the history train their children to survive. That is the root of the latin word educare - to bring up (children), to train. Every attempt of modern society to make something else out of education is distorting and perverting its function, and doing a fundamental disfavor to society and its chances for future survival. Life is not easy. Neither is education supposed to be. Modern trends to make it so are therefore unnatural and maybe even undesirable.

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