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Love and Romance

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Lost my virginity to the wrong person :( How to feel better???

Virginity is not a real contract. Apart of your identity is not defined around having a penetrative sex. It's not a critical stage in development. Not the next step to womanhood or manhood or adulthood. Other then the fact it was your first. And first are always memorable. Simply learn from it. What you liked, disliked, avoid next time. Grow and change and develop in as many ways as you can. Because this simple act does not really change who you are. Plus, totally more fish in the sea darling Think of it as a learning experience!
Ever heard of virginity restoration? Didn't think so, cause it don't exist. Get over it and move on. It's just evidence that you, like all of us, are a member of the imperfect manimal society. We all make mistakes and that is part of life. It is normal. Don't give too much value to virginity. It would be nice if you have had better experience while losing it, but that is not the reason to despair.

Actually, rare are those who immediately find their true love. Most of us have to search for it for years, and to get to know a number of persons before we succeed. Before we try being with them, how can we know they will not be right for us? Find the right person. Make love to many other people. :) You will feel better. At least you got the yuckiness of loosing your virginity out of the way. Have some real love making! --Popanator Forgive yourself and heal. Learn from your mistake and remember that God forgives.
No point in moaning about it now, what is done is done. Think twice before having sex in the future. In what sense was it a wrong person. You were not happy ever after?

You must have had some reason why you 'gave' your virginity to that person. What was it? Lost my virginity to the wrong person :( How to feel better???

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