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Homosexual human rights.

Also, the banning of child adoption rights comes from the idea that homosexuality is a learned charateristic. This has been inconclusive at best. Yes. The people who argue otherwise often come out of religious stand points, where by the ban of homosexuality stems from the inability to produce children. So by that thought process, it should be illegal for non married couples to have children (because religion- the most popular anti-homo marriage argument) says no premarital sex, it should be illegal to divorce, birth control should be illegal, & evolution should be banned in school. Homosexual parents are rearing disproportionate numbers of non-heterosexual children - about 15% instead of 2% as is the case in general population. This isn't surprising since parents are the primary influencers of children…

In a way, a right of a child to be properly nurtured and prepared to found a 'traditional' family and be able to reproduce is jeopardized. [1] Although it may appear that homosexual couples are of the same sex, often one takes a role of a 'woman' while the other takes the role of a 'man'. This may be confusing for children to understand. I feel that being in a homosexual family and being brought up in a single parent family is ultimately about the same since the child is brought up by only one gender parent(s). There are so many single parents out there bringing up their child so why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to? Children raised by homosexual parents are more apt to experience gender and sexual confusion and to become promiscuous. They suffer more depression and other emotional difficulties. They are also more likely to engage in same-sex behavior. [2] But being married is not a guarantee that a man will not be promiscuous, nor that he will raise his children with love and attention. On the contrary, feeling of 'imprisonment' may enhance promiscuity, and staying in unhappy marriage may increase abusive behavior towards children. On the other hand, gay marriage by itself doesn't prevent dedication of spouses, nor rising children with love. I’m against gay marriage. Liberals do not understand the point of marriage. The point of marriage is not for society to understand the strong feelings people have for one another. It is to raise children. It’s to harness men’s natural promiscuity and to direct it toward one woman and one set of children. [3] Gays and lesbians are a part of our communities. They are doctors, teachers, firefighters, emergency personnel and neighbors. In this way, marriage equality is also about supporting good citizens and strengthening our communities. [4] Homosexual humans are still humans, so there are some rights that can never been taken from them. Obviously the original idea is with regard to civil rights though. That said, it all depends on the direction the society wants to go. Therein lies the issue. Does homosexuality promote the interests of our society? Does it hinder them? No more or less than many other personal decisions made by individuals I'd say. For example, why can't I have a polygamous marriage? Society decided it is a wrong, impractical, unsustainable, or otherwise undesirable mode of behavior that should be discouraged. Similarly, most societies decided that same-sex marriage is undesirable. Are those human rights or civil and political rights? All humans should have the same human rights. Civil rights however aim to promote certain types of behavior within a society, and depend on society and what it is trying to achieve. Should homosexuals have same rights as heterosexuals: i.e. right to same-sex marriage, right to adopt children, etc. Homosexual human rights.

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