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Superduper Company has secret plans for world domination, as an insider I have proof.

What is this secret or can you give us links. I am pretty sure I have power to deal with this. But if you are paranoid, and do not trust me, I think the safest bet is to dig deeper to see how far the influences goes. Then submit this to a trusted whistle blowing source and blast it all over the internet to give it more exposure to this monstrosity. I am curious to know what the details are, and I will fight what ever they have in store for this world.

If you are in charge, than it's easy for you to stop it. Also, send some proof to Wikileaks. [1]I am part of the team in charge of the second phase implementation. This has to stop. I hope they won't find out that I am telling this. I don't know what they are capable of.Superduper Company has secret plans for world domination, as an insider I have proof.

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