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Public Health and Safety

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Genetically modified organisms (GMO) and food represent a danger to public health and safety.

There are both environmental hazards and human health risks. GM foods can cause unintended harm to other organisms (like butterflies), they can transfer herbicide tolerance genes to weeds by cross-breeding. Introducing a new gene into a plant may create a new allergen, or even cause some unknown effects on human health.

Gravest danger of GMOs stem from its global reach - if something goes wrong millions or even billions of people will be affected. [1] Actually, bribes need only be done on the high levels. For example, they can bribe a supreme court judge who makes decision about validity of GM patents. Or an FDA commissioner. Or an EPA administrator. Or bribe few dozen lawmakers through legalized lobbying. It is not that difficult, and in fact it has been written about in the news. [2][3] for this argument to be valid, it is necessary to present the complete chain of testing, and expose how is each and every step susceptible to corruption and bribe. the testing seems to complicated (not being done by just one lab) and too many people are involved, so the probability that everyone is bribed seems very low. This has been proven with a 2 year study done on three generations of hamsters. Higher mortality due to GM soy was one of the results of the study. Most alarming was that by the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies.[4] Because of this possibility, GMOs should be banned for good. Some GMOs may be dangerous, but probably not all of them. What is really dangerous is the fact that companies like Monsanto bribe governments and health organizations that are supposed to protect the public, and as a consequence, dangerous foods or not properly tested foods end up in the market. [5] Genetically modified organisms (GMO) and food represent a danger to public health and safety.

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