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War and Peace

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If everyone had a decent income and nice life, almost no-one would risk a life to go to war.

I must contest that anti-religious comment. Not a single war has been waged ONLY because of a difference in beliefs. There is always an ulterior motive and the belief system/religion is used as a scapegoat. Some complex issues have very simple causes. People who live well generally don't change their lifestyle for worse (i.e. go to wars). On the other hand people who struggle in life and are desperate do consider risky well paid jobs (i.e. soldier).

Sure there are religious fanatics, geopolitical games, and other complex issues, but none of them would have significance if *majority* of people avoided the army. Nationalism has nothing to do with invading other countries, but defending yours? [1]If everyone had a decent income and nice life, almost no-one would risk a life to go to war. You've just over simplified a very complex issue regarding nationalism, international affairs and various social aspects like intellect, religion and values... Kudos on your fail. For example, current U.S. army consists mostly of professional soldiers who serve army because they cannot find jobs. These are young kids from poor rural areas. If they had an option, a good job at home, they wouldn't go on the other part of the world to fight nations they know nothing about. Why would they choose hot dessert over living with family in a peaceful hometown? I think youre incorrect because of dogma. Some people believe that there are invisible men in the sky, and that their invisible man is better than other peoples. Because of this, there will continue to be war until people stop being dumb. That is probably never... :(If anything will destroy the sovereignty and society of the United States of America it will be the insurgency underway in the so-called "Aztlan" territory.
If you don't know what Aztlan is I suggest you research it for yourself, it will be the most destabilising war on the Earth within a short amount of time.
Aztlan is the name for Chicano/Mestizo territory "occupied" by the USA.

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