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My parents put me down and criticize me.

good for you! that is great advice. —jesus christ

Never give up. You have options. We all do. Sanity can be hard to have, but they're just bullying you and your happiness. They'll tell you they just want you happy, but the truth is, they don't know how to make you happy. So, remember to control your attitude, so at least somebody is.Set your own goals and live up to them : ) Get over it. Be your own damned person.

They do that because they themselves are frustrated and not happy. They did not accomplish things in life which they wanted, and now the only way for them to feel better about themselves is to put other people down. Since you are their child, and most dependent, accessible, and vulnerable, they are doing that to you. Have this in mind when they put you down next time and don't be angry, don't lose confidence, simply pity them for their unhappiness. My parents put me down and criticize me.

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