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What is the truth behind it all?

There is no truth behind it all, It all happens for no reason whatsoever. The Secret film (2006) hints as to what is the truth behind all (metaphysics/law of attraction). What is "it all"?Is it not at the bottom of a deep well?Never will anyone know,
never will they suspect.

How if no one understands me,
for I am misunderstood.
No one takes notice,
of my glory as they should. pain is unjustified,
life is misery,
misery is bliss.

Bliss rules the mind,
a creation of humanity.

Pain teaches no lesson,
Extortion punishes no crime.
Physical humanity does not outweigh morality in any sense.
If so, what is the world?

The world being a place to dream,
to hope,
to laugh,
to desire to be free.

Hints have no meaning,
suggestions no source.
Is it not understood,
that all is gone?

Gone is that which guides the soul,
which carries humanity accross the seas of time.

to believe.
In his presence the world is right,
yet here I stand alone in this fright.

Emotion may give up its stance,
yet pride remains, reinforced with chance.
I do my battle like any other,
my scars however are hidden from sight.

He does not believe,
benefits are more gratefully redeemed.
Hidden scars resurface, old memories reformed.

Can that who knows not my fear,
continue to question me?
How can he not know,
he must then not believe.

It is sorrow which makes me down.
Sorrow is pain,

No one understands me,
for I am misunderstood.
No one takes notice,
of my glory as they should.

It is not my glory that should be witnessed,
but my unseen accomplishments.
Not my outward personality,
but that which is within.

Life throws its own obstacles onto my path,
it is these obstacles that death not dare take back.
Pain and misery give way,
yet it is hope and dispair that allow me to say.

Why that which is divine dare not intervene,
is not a moral unjust but a fact that all comeWhat is the truth behind it all?

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