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What is Wikileaks?

Why is anonymity better than identity in communications?
It did not require Wikileaks for Lukashenko to identify members of the opposition: they were arrested after the presidential election, when the opposition marched on government buildings and became violent. Violent protests are against the law. However, sometimes it fails. Belarusian dictatorial regime imprisoned 600 opposition figures mentioned in leaks. Wikileaks probably did not expect its actions to help the security work of an oppressive regime. WikiLeaks is able to improve the quality of our democracy. Of course, those jealously protective of the privileges of unaccountable state power will tell us that people will die if we can read their email, but so what? [1]
Is democracy the best form of government?
WikiLeaks and people that disseminate information to people like this are criminals. [2] In a free society we're supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, then we're in big trouble. And now, people who are revealing the truth are getting into trouble for it. [3] Should Julian Assange be considered a criminal for Wikileaks? This organization practices civil obedience, that is, it is an organization that tries to make the world more civil and act against abusive organizations that are pushing it in the opposite direction. [4] What we need is more WikiLeaks about the Federal Reserve. Can you imagine what it'd be like if we had every conversation in the last 10 years with our Federal Reserve people, the Federal Reserve chairman, with all the central bankers of the world and every agreement or quid-pro-quo they have? It would be massive. People would be so outraged. [5] I think it's done enormous damage to our country and to our relationships with our allies around the world. While I strongly support government transparency, certain information must be kept classified in order to protect innocent American lives during this time of war and global terrorism. Will the WikiLeaks leaks do more harm than good? Wikileaks is a CIA front. Wikileaks publishes anonymous submissions of sensitive, secret, and important governmental, business, religious, and other documents.[6][7]What is Wikileaks?

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