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Light is a wave, but what is the medium? "Nothing" is not an answer. But modern physics is based on this assumption...

It's not nothing! One of the serious problems arising out of the wave theory of light is the problem of medium. If light is a form of wave motion, scientists asked, what is the medium through which it travels?
The obvious answer, of course, is that light travels through air as a medium. But that answer is contradicted by the fact that light also travels through a vacuum. To resolve this problem, scientists developed the concept of an ether.The ether was defined as a very thin mater[1]Light is both wave and particle, depending on the observer. If you believe particles can pass through space with no medium, then problem solved. If not, then the originally posited Ether (or Aether) would serve your purpose. Einstein never said it didn't exist, just that it had no effect on any experiment and could be ignored. Space is not nothing. It is now thought to be seething with energy in the form of constantly forming and annihilating particle/antiparticle pairs."Light" appears to include the idea of "comparison";and "wave" of: "group". Making a comparison involves two or more things compared, so "group"? For "light" to look like a "wave" (for "comparison" to look like a "group"), requires an uncertainty about what you are comparing. Now the "light" is both "group" (wave) and "piece of something bigger" (particle)! Maybe "the analysis of structure'" (the beginning and ending of "time") is the medium of light!? This = quantum mechanics = space time... You know,,there is a medium, its just been overlooked, or perhaps just misunderstood. What is the medium for light in space, say from the sun getting to earth? If you say nothing or space,,then what is there in that nothing or space? The answer? Other magnetic fields,,magnetic fields upon magnetic fields. All the planets are in their positions and held by magnetic fields. Space is full of it,,and every space on earth is as well, so no space is as they say empty. Well, although vacuum has no matter in it and can be described as "nothing", it may have dark matter. Maybe dark matter is the medium for electromagnetic waves. [2][3] Current physics theories have many flaws and unfilled holes. Quantum mechanics is a prime example - scientist admit they don't understand it and that it is nonsensical, yet it predicts accurately what happens. I am sure that most of these theories will be 'upgraded' in near or far future. Light is a wave, but what is the medium? "Nothing" is not an answer. But modern physics is based on this assumption...

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