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War and Peace

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Is preemptive war justified?

Not enough governments take cleverness seriously. A genuinely clever government should always be able to avoid pre-emptive war/strikes. Nuclear pre-emptive war is another more serious variation of not having cleverness. But one should not consequently argue that someone will stupidly drop a bomb/ shoot a missile: instead, minimal cleverness has been used to prevent the worst of disasters. Government is accretiative is one of the primary insights. When will one country preemptively attack another stronger country? Never. This means that only weaker countries are preemptively attacked. But why? If we just concluded that weaker country would not attack stronger one, than the 'justification' of this preemptive attack on a weaker country out of the 'fear' of being attacked first is pure hypocrisy. Preemptive war punishes the defenseless not for what they have done or are doing but for what they might have done or could do. [1]Is preemptive war justified?

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