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Cloning humans pros and cons.

Pros: Potential immortality and cloning limbs and organs to replace damaged ones of serious accident victims. Cons: Creating sentient human beings who we accidentally enslave like in The Island and who overthrow us at first opportunity. Also possibly spitting in God's face. I don't think it should be legal because it goes against the nature. Nature promotes diversity and diversification, cloning promotes identity and homogeneity. Diversity enables higher adaptability of species, while lack of diversity endangers the species as a common diseases and defects can affect more members. Should cloning be legal? I don't know. Lets assume that not only body can be cloned, but also whole mind, memories, etc... and that the whole process is perfect and safe. Maybe I could see its usefulness in case I get into accident and die (or ask to be euthanized because of severe injuries) , and let them make a new copy of me. Cloning humans pros and cons.

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