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Artificial Life

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Intelligent life in the universe.

If you had the capacity to understand how infinite space and time is, you would understand how difficult it is to find one another in such as huge space and such a huge amount of time. _response: we would consider ourselves advanced but we have only gone so far as our own moon. There could be billions of advanced civilizations but they may be only few millions of years old and they may not have had time to reach the Earth, or to even notice our radio signals being emitted into space.

Maybe they found a way to travel faster then light, and use spacetime wormholes to travel anywhere they want. But even then, even if they were close, why would they contact us? Why would and advanced civilization bother to contact us? Do we bother contacting ants?

[1] Universe is billions of years old, and there are billions and billions of galaxies in the Universe, and each has billions of stars. If there was an *advanced* intelligent form of life in the universe they would certainly contact us by now. Intelligent life in the universe.

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