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Technology and Gadgets

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We will soon be able to communicate with thoughts directly with the World Wide Web, and retrieve instantly information we need.

Do people want to live in a world of goddamn machines? Is this how low we've gone?
Because that exactly where we are going. And all of mankind is just alright with this. People have already chosen their fate to go down this path of "Out with the old in with the new" when the future is GETTING WORSE DAY BY DAY. Someday I hope that either we will shift away from this fate or we will all DIE before so.
IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE Benefit of this will be to develop a level of consciousness that has never been understood before.

The uniqueness of our mind and ourselves is because we build connections in our memory. By relying on outside memory we will create less unique connections in our own memory and we risk eroding the richness of our personal lives as well as eroding some of the basic foundations of our culture as well. [1] We will soon be able to communicate with thoughts directly with the World Wide Web, and retrieve instantly information we need.
MRI have been used for a while to detect lies and emotional states within persons brains. Very soon we'll be able to read individual letters within alphabet while people think. MRIs pick up chemicals inside a blood, and blood intensifies its flow to certain parts of the brain depending on the thoughts we think. [2]

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