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Is destiny real?

Assume that destiny IS real, everything happens in your life are determined by your destiny, including your ideas, your thoughts, and if you don't believe in destiny, the fact that you don't believe in destiny is determined by your destiny.Negative Ghost Writer. To me "Destiny" is the idea of having a set path for you. Not matter what you do you can not change it. It is chosen for you and it is going to happen no matter what. I personally believe that we have the power to pick a path, run down that path, change direction, and just completely change the outcome of our future. Destiny is some mystic thing in fairy tales. What's funny in previous sentence is that it can be interpreted both ways:

- if real, destiny has effect on our lives whether we believe in it or not - and this seems true;
- if we do or do not believe in destiny, our lives will look different as our behavior will not be the same (for example, we may drive car less carefully if we believe destiny will protect us, or we may drive more carefully if we believe we create our own destiny). Destiny may or may not be real and you may or may not believe in it. However, whether it is or is not real, it will have an effect on your life and your behavior whether you believe in it or not. Is destiny real?

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