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Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth?

Honesty is connection to emotion moreso than truth is. In which case, no one should ever be offended by the truth. "Does 1+1=2?" the answer, the truth, is yes. "Do I look fat in this dress?" Fat compared to what? That comes down to a person's own honest feelings. A 'true' question may be "Do I look like I weigh 140 pounds in this dress?" which may be answered yes or no respectively. Disadvantages is that you have no face to face interacation Advantages are that you can share ideas free of criticism. Advantages are that you can do so anynomusly Life is easier when your a little. Sure. If you want to have fewer people around you. I find the older we get the less often I meet someone who has the skills to manage hearing truth that is not so desirable. It is sad when we will no longer let ourselves learn through this process. I notice when I have this sort of conflict that I prefer the comfort zone over the new. Understandable, I guess

My longer answer is this: there are people who simple do not want to do good to me. Telling them everything I know, while having them not telling me what they know but lies instead, would put me in disadvantage. I may not need to lie to them, but at least I need to not tell the truth by avoiding the answer.

Well, there is a difference between Truth and Honesty. You can honestly say what you think or know but it may not be true. I will assume here that truth reffers to what a person really thinks is true. Therefore, the question is whether we should always say what we think. My short answer is no! Are 'white lies' a necessary part of everyday life, or can they be avoided? Is it better to be always honest and sometimes hurt or offend people, or to be part of a socially 'accepted' polite atmosphere and interaction with the knowledge that we and others are often dishonest. How do small lies affect our perception of big lies? How do they affect our consciousness, and trust in others. Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth?I suppose the basic idea is to do honestly your best anytime any supposed!TRUTH is presented to you give it a real HONEST thought and use all the tools possible to confirm it, incling taking as many different opinions of others concerned with it , and then take your decision that such is the TRUTH , if we all do that then we will become continuously better human beings and more produvtive ....written by an Adorer of the truth ,,, does anybody agree ??? I suppose the basic idea is to do honestly your best anytime any supposed!TRUTH is preaented to you give it a real HONEST thought and use all the tools possible to confirm it incling as many different opinions are concerned with it , and take your decision that such is the TRUTH , if we all do that then we will become continuously better human beings and more produvtive ....written by an Adorer to the truth ,,, does anybody agree ??? Sometimes lying is necessary. For example, people who were saving Jews from Nazis had to lie to German authorities. [1] To Lie, or Not To Lie, or When To Lie ?

Lie, The Whole Lie, Nothing But the Lie?

Nooo, I was just joking!

Or was I ? ;o)

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