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Evolution 101 for all

i will explain the rest on the jesus christ here post. right all their friends are middle class so they stayed that way in heaven. right, i am a tutt too. my family fell into the middle class and still thinks they are but i am going to tell them. they are the hidden royalty. they were hidden before the tomb was made because of war. i am her cousin too! —jc now, this is new information like much of the information i have been giving you but this is going to shock you. the older your bloodline the younger you stay for longer. drum roll. buddha caroline is a princess from the oldest bloodline on the planet. her cousin is king tutt. more following. each human can educate themselves as much as is possible for their particular intelligence level, so, class can be outdone by education in some cases. although, this is usually not the case because the upper classes are often very educated as well. — jesus christ in the beginning of all families a human was born of god's creation. that human is the most primitive primate. primates become natives. natives become lower class. lower class become middle class and then middle class become upper class. upper class then become royalty. the older your family bloodline is the higher your class level is. evolution is a result of human growth through the ages. with every new generation more evolution is gained and more intelligence is gained. but don't be fooled..Evolution 101 for all

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