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Bringing Attention To World Problems.

Technology has is grip on Humanity tearing away what pieces of Creativity and intelligence that remain.

People fake themselves to gain popularity or a advantage over others.

The media pulls the public's limbs like strings.
Freedom and privacy are dead.

Don't get me started on the school system or the government

People throw away the quality of the past for the hip, low quality, lowest common denominator new shit.

The whole justice system is fucked,
And at this rate he whole world is too. I' m curious, how does the govt help them steal taxpayer revenues? Cheap access to space or (CATS) would solve many problems. A simple concept to start with may be this: Basic Centrifugal Magnetic Propulsion - A ring magnet rolls around on a metal can, then slightly flies out at a nonmagnetic spot. When the magnet goes back over the can, the can moves to the magnet, which creates forward motion.Bringing Attention To World Problems. Computer apps to replace half of the human jobs within 10 years. Bankers continue to steal and get bailed by the public who WILL pay for all bailouts, not the criminals. Govt helps them steal taxpayer revenues.[1]Bringing attention to world solutions is better![2] What are those problems? is a good idea?

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