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Should I stop being friends with the pastor's daughter?

If she tries to make contact with you and continues your conversations (e.g. asks another questions), you are definitely not annoying ... at least from my perspective. It means that she wants to talk to you. Anyway, I think you should not stop being friend with her. If you ever feel like you might be annoying, you might simply ask her if it is true. I would not be worried about that. What might help sometimes is to stay as friendly as possible but to decrease the amount of communication a bit.We talk at church and on FB, that's about it. We're really nice to each other, but lately I think she thinks I'm annoying. I've kind of gone distant, and the other day, we ran into each other, she said how am I, I just said "good" and moved on. I don't know what to do here.Should I stop being friends with the pastor's daughter?

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