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What is freedom to you?

Freedom, as a woman, to me, is bodily autonomy. It is also the possibility of being able to exercise self care and stay away from toxic relations and situations. As many writings prove, even in the public realm, freedom is about a sense of liberty and autonomy[1] Freedom, to me, i s the ability and space and validation to think and form opinions for myself. And definitely, bodily autonomy. Freedom is impossible to know. Though humans are free to do what ever they will, they cannot will what they want. Although freedom generally means freedom from external restraint, freedom is also not being inhibited by internal constraints. In other words, being slave to no man is not enough, you also need to be your own master.

Freedom is found at the intersection where gifts are shared among human weakness while shame, guilt, anger and bitterness are absent.
Freedom is being able to be in a park with your friends after the sunset.
Not being inhibited by laws of society and behavior of fellow people. What is freedom to you?
Freedom is being able to pee in a park without being arrested. If dogs can do it, why can't we too?

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