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The smarter the people are, the richer the world because everybody becomes a contributor.

Does a serial killer that has a high IQ a contributor? I'm afraid your statment is so blanket biased that is can not be taken seriously. Only if the wealth is distributed equally will the richer world be better for everyone. Unfortunately, today many societies are much richer than a century ago, and yet inequalities are even bigger, and as a consequence many people live worse than their parents.
Any people in the high tech society will do better than the wealthiest people today.

When you share the wealth, you divide it; when you share the knowledge, you multiply it.
The richer the world, the better life will be to everyone. It seems only logical that it should be in everyones interest to get smarter and to help others get smarter. The smarter the people are, the richer the world because everybody becomes a contributor.

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