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Illegal immigration border control.

Why do Mexicans come to America?
Shoot them dead, Fixed.Illegal immigration border control has been turned into a race issue which it is not. It is a law issue. What is a law? Simply a problem that has not been solved yet. They will become naturalized if there is an amnesty. Amnesty is bad policy and sends the message that immigrants are better off breaking our laws rather than respecting them. [1] That is true, but at least it prevents this same problem from perpetuating into the future. Illegals in the country will eventually become naturalized. Border control doesn't solve the problem of illegal immigrants who are already in the country. Bordes (and maybe even fences) are sometimes necessary. Imagine what would happen if 30 million Chinese would go over night to Japan and stay there to live and work. Japan is already struggling with dense population and limited space. I think there should be no borders and that people should be able to travel and work wherever they want, as long as they obey local laws (i.e. pay taxes, etc.). They shouldn't have voting right though until they become citizens. Illegal immigration border control.

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