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The only peaceful way for establishment to change is to stop supporting the system, to refuse participating.

This is the way to bring about change! The other thing you can do is make sure others realize WHY change should be brought about. What are the banks doing that deserve this action. People must be educated as to the reasons why particular actions are appropriate.One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.

If you do not participate, you are giving tacit approval to the outcome.

We have to participate, even if it means not getting everything that we want. We have to work for change ... or it will never happen. All the great men and women who brought about change (Jesus, MLK, Gandi, Elizabeth Stanton) had to work for what they believed in.
What if this peaceful non-participation results in a better system? Should people continue not participating, or should they start participating in the new system? How does one decide whether it is better to participate or not to participate?
Always try to buy and use local products and services. Buy local food, shop in local stores. Avoid supermarkets, famous businesses, chain stores.

Join the Zeitgeist movement and help create the largest mass movement for global social change the world has ever seen. Inform others about the things you learn from Zeitgeist movies.

Reject political system. Don't participate. It only provides illusion of democracy. Don't endorse it.

Stop supporting energy companies. Try to use self-sustainable energy sources. Drive the smallest car you can.

Don't join, or let anyone you know join the military. Go to prison if you have to - better than killing others or getting killed.

Turn off TV and don't watch/read mainstream media. Use internet and local independent sources.

Boycott largest banks: Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America. Stop having account there, having loans from them, working for them. Instead, work with local small banks if you have to.
The only peaceful way for establishment to change is to stop supporting the system, to refuse participating.

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