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Sex Sexuality and Sexual Health

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Sex is overated. Or is it? Can there be a solid relationship between two adults without sex involved? Can it last even if there is sex, but not in a satisfactory way ?

The problem however seems to be disinterest in sex, not the children. Since that's an entirely different issue, it requires different questions to be asked. What did change between me and her since we got children? Why did she like me before, and doesn't like me now? How did she get excited before so easily? Did I do anything differently? They should never be an excuse for that. If they are, they will be the object of blame as well, and that's not a healthy for the family and kids growing.

It is perfectly valid to assume that at least once a week parents can find an hour for themselves. While children are sleeping. Or watching the movie. If there is a will, there will be time... and sex. So, if i'm in a relationship - a marriage - how small are the children supposed to be to be an excuse for no or unsatisfactory sex. Coz I'm at a loss here. Are they small for 2 yrs, 3? or 5, 6? When do I have to say to that man in the mirror that - hey, this just isn't working anymore? No, sex is a must. It's the bloody point of romantic relationship.Sex is over rated. Love is under rated. Sex has become about performance for men, and power for women. There can be a relationship, but.. I think that at least 1 person will be unhappy. So the problem with people now is that they get married too soon and they get divorced too soon as well :) If you are unsatisfied by the sex TALK ABOUT IT.. THIS IS YOUR LOVER! if you can't talk about it with them, then with who can you? This is the person you are having sex with.. You should be able to talk to them about it and change things to see if other things satisfy both of you. Enjoy!I thought a solid relationship without sex was called "married, with young children". The focus of the relationship shifts from mutual maintenance by physical contact, to emotional and practical support. The needs of children for constant physical contact can diminish the need for contact between the parners and reduce sex drive. Is there a redistribution of physical affection? From friends I've talked to, this seems a common phenomenon, yet they have solid relationships. I would pose another question "Can two adults be friends without ever having sex?" Of course!! But what if you are friends with a person of the opposite sex and one of you wants sex, but the other doesn't?? It's delicate. The person being offered sex is in a unique power position because how they say NO will affect course of the relationship forever. If done correctly, the relationship can be stronger and last. If not, the friendship is going to suffer, perhaps it terminates. Not engaging in sex is a result of something deeper inside. En emotional motivation which has been damaged in some way. Learning about communication, learning about feelings, studying the subject of sex, sexuality, sensuality, eroticism, is necessary like maths and english at school. We are not born with this learning. We need to learn it, then practice. Practice, practice, practice, and reflect on how you feel after, during, before. Write it down. Analyse. Think of your emotions. Let them live. A question about relationship without sex is asked. So what kind of a relationship is that? Friendship? Business relationship?

Why would anyone want to exclude sex. Because it is not good enough? Like other aspects of a relationship, sex also requires a degree of creativity and effort. If you really want to make it satisfactory, you will constantly work on its improvement. Sex is overated. Or is it? Can there be a solid relationship between two adults without sex involved? Can it last even if there is sex, but not in a satisfactory way ? Maybe I should visit a terapist. I mean, sex is a normal thing. Animals love it. Humans love it. What is wrong with me? Sex makes me feel worthless, And most of the time Im just not into it. Maybe theres something wrong with me .. but i think its idiotic it makes me feel stupid. The only reason humans were born on earth was to have sex: to increase the population of earth. Hence, the hidden motive behind any kind of "sublimated" relationship is sex. Every human has a desire to have sex and because he is brought up in the society, his desires are transformed into socially acceptable behaviors like flirting, talking in a different way with the opposite sex, thinking of sex etc. So, I think what is present without sex, is not a relationship. this subject can be rather complexed..and men are more eager i believe...councilling can and respect are needed.and a good healthy sex life can vary //sometimes laying in closness can be of help..and taking time.. a woman needs foreplay and no super hero It is called friendship, or an asexual relationship.Birth control pills are a good option, or even better double the protection and be sensible and use a condom as well. You don't necessarily have to have penetrative intercourse, try foreplay...with some toys even (feathers, silk scarves etc). Discuss with your partner why she feels that way and work together to find a solution. Sometimes she may not be bothered to have sex, that doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Maybe you two could go away for a quiet weekend.Sex is the cement of any happy marriage and Platonic love won't make it on its own. question for you: why no sex? Sex is something couples normally like to engage in. I do not think it is overrated in the least.

if both people are ok with no sex, theres no problem. i think its important for sex not to be absent for too long, otherwise a relationship can easily start to lose its spark. and its important for kids to know and sense their parents love each other and are in love! its unfair for either partner to hold back for no good reason. i hope you manage to sort something out. i love my wife but we havent had sex in over a year and i dont know if i can carry on like this. i get jealous of other couples imagining they must be having regular sex like normal people. our relationship has definitely suffered. she doesnt want to talk about it, she just says shes not that way inclined. really dont know what to do but sex shld be a part of any healthy marriage

But what about the birth control pills? Condoms? Etc...No she just realised what happens if she gets pregnant that firstly she will be a great inconvience in the latter stages of pregnancy, secondly that she will go through extreme hardship during birth, and thirdly have to deal with the anguish and difficulty of parenin another child. She will also have less energy and drive for sex because of the effort required to look after the children, especially when they are young. So its no fault of yours mate, its all her. But hey, thats just my view! Then the sex will always be good, because it will be with a happy heart. a life without love, will be a life without meaningful sex. the love must come first. The focus of any relationship, through the eyes of morality, decency, and God, is to be celibate until married. So love should be the foundation of a relationship, and not sex. sex corrupts the mind, places desires in someones heart and enduces a temptation which can crumble the love, if love wwas not the first thing that came.

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