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Lowering the drinking age.

Makes sense to me. People serve in the war for because of desperation. We need soldiers for protection. That does not mean the proper age recommended for alcohol consumption should be the same age to serve the army. If the facts say that consuming a drug before a certain age is highly not recommended then everyone should know and adhere to the law for the overall well being of everyone else. Drinking age has nothing to do with drunk driving. Drunk driving is prohibited to everyone, not just young population. In addition, lives lost to alcohol of the highways is going up in spite of rising drinking age. [1] Prohibiting drinking to teenagers just makes them drink more when they reach legal age. In addition, even when it's prohibited, kids always find a way to get liquor.

What is really needed is alcohol education, not a prohibition. [2] In the war a soldier risks his own life, on the road intoxicated driver risks lives of others as well. It doesn't make sense that age of 18 is considered full maturity when one is deciding whether to serve the army and risk a life, but it is not considered mature age in regards to alcohol consumption. Lowering the drinking age.

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