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Why do people care so much about what other people do when it doesn't affect them and it's harmless? For example, someones gender (fluid or binary).

Propaganda and the fact that humanity cannot accept anyone then 'their majority'

Many people get thrown under the bus by the colossal bandwagoning that occurs when any god forsaken person starts a trend such as this one. Many people will do anything to fit in and will fake being one way when they are really another just to gain popularity or friends and it will backfire. Buisnesses will also attempt to appeal to the media and majority so they capitalize profits during this craze. Because it does effect them. Businesses look at culture to gain an upper edge on competition. When there are a ton of people who are into gender shit and what not businesses start marketing to those people. That effects everyone else that has to use that business. That why you have Vegan labels on potatoes. And gender neutral signs on toilet only bathrooms. Or forced adherence to speech on university campuses. Why do people care so much about what other people do when it doesn't affect them and it's harmless? For example, someones gender (fluid or binary).

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